
StHbt - Star HBT Analysis Framework

Please send questions to Mike Lisa -

Go to the STAR HBT Physics Working Group page for more details

In the CVS is a package that is proposed as a standard framework for STAR two-particle correlation analyses.

It may be found at $STAR/StRoot/StHbtMaker/


The StHbtMaker package works in the current Maker scheme with root4star and StEvent, but has been designed to allow the framework to be used outside of Makers, root4star, and/or StEvent, with minimal work. This is to allow for the contingencies of major infrastructure changes (promised to be a thing of the past in STAR, but that promise has been made before...), as well as the case in which a STAR collaborator wishes to work on a machine at his institution with private-format microDSTs in a framework other than root4star. The "Maker" aspect of the package is obviously necessary for interfacing with the root4star/Maker framework, but it has been kept "at a distance." Therefore, we will refer to the package from now on simply as StHbt.

Many issues driving the design of StHbt were outlined in a preliminary proposal by Brugalette Gopal, Dave Hartdke, and Brian Lasiuk, and later fleshed out and extended in meeting discussions.

Some desired functionality of the StHbt framework:

The StHbt framework described is object-oriented and implemented in C++. Therefore, it is helpful if the reader is familiar with the concepts of classes, inheritance, and objects at least at a rudimentary level.

Basic Building Blocks

In the following discussion, it may be useful to refer to the UML Diagram of the StHbtMaker. You may also want to refer to a brief introduction to UML.

The Correlation Function

At some level, one wants to construct a correlation function of some kind (things like invariant mass spectra, background subtracted or not, are considered correlation functions as well). This will typically be some combination of objects (often histograms) built out of "real" and event-mixed particle pairs.

A user defines his own correlation function by writing a class. In order to interface with StHbt, this class must inherit from the base class StHbtCorrFctn, which defines a few basic (pure virtual) member functions which must be implemented, and which are called by the StHbt infrastructure. These are:

Example of a Correlation Function - QinvCorrFctn

An example of a correlation function class is QinvCorrFctn (click to see the header and implementation files).

In addition to the methods required of all StHbtCorrFctn-derived classes (see list above), it has histogram data members (numerator, denominator and ratio) and methods to access them. A more sophisticated version may contain methods and switches to implement Coulomb corrections, and other histograms to perform momentum resolution corrections.

The AddRealPair() and AddMixedPair() methods simply increment the numerator and denominator histograms, while the Finish() method generates the ratio from those two.

Other correlation functions, like 3D Bertsch-Pratt, Yano-Koonin, angular correlations, invariant mass correlations, etc., would be implemented by writing other classes that inherit from the StHbtCorrFctn base class.

Event Cuts

Event-wise cuts specify which events are processed in a particular Analysis. Here, one might typically cut on event multiplicity, z-position of vertex, etc. The EventCut of an Analysis is checked by the StHbtManager. If the event passes the cut, that event is further processed (other cuts checked (see below) and then "real" pairs generated and passed to the AddRealPairs() method of the Correlation Functions associated with the Analysis, and the event is also stored in the EventMixingBuffer of that Analysis.

In order to provide maximum flexibility to users, Event cuts are general. No pre-defined ranges on cut variables are set, and indeed even the variables to cut on are under the user's control (maybe someone wants to cut on multiplicy*z-position*(#kaons at forward rapidity) !).

Therefore, the user must write his own EventCut class, which must inherit from the base class StHbtEventCut. EventCut classes may have whatever methods and data members the user desires, but must have at least the following two methods (pure virtual in the base class):

Example of an Event Cut - mikesEventCut

A very simple example of an Event Cut is mikesEventCut (click to see the header and implementation files).

A mikesEventCut object will cut on event multiplicity and z-position of the primary vertex. Therefore, in addition to the required Report() and Pass() methods, it has data members that hold the allowed ranges on these quantities, and methods to set those ranges.

Particle Cuts: TrackCuts and V0Cuts

Particle-wise cuts specify which tracks or V0's (particles) are to contribute to the analysis. The ParticleCut of an Analysis is checked for each particle (track or V0) in an event that has passed that Analysis' EventCut. If a particle passes the cut, he is added to the ParticleCollection of the PicoEvent for later processing.

Since StHbt is designed to handle non-identical as well as identical particle correlations, two ParticleCuts are requrired to be associated with each Analysis. See further discussion below.

N.B. Since StHbt works with both tracks and V0's, and because the StHbtTrack and StHbtV0 objects naturally contain very different information (see the discussion on StHbtEvent structure), one does not derive directly from the StHbtParticle class. Instead, a user's track cut class inherits from the StHbtTrackCut base class, and a user's V0 cut class inherits from the StHbtV0Cut base class. To see the relationships, refer to the UML Diagram of the StHbtMaker.

Again, similar to EventCuts, a ParticleCut class can have any data members and methods that a user would like, but must have the following methods implemented:

Note that the method StHbtParticleCut::Type() is used internally by StHbt, and cannot be overwritten by the user's class. The Manager uses Type() to determine whether it should compare Tracks from the event's TrackCollection, or V0's from the event's V0Collection, against the ParticleCut of the Analysis. Therefore, if the user plugs a V0Cut into his Analysis, then V0's will be sent; similarly, Tracks will be sent if the ParticleCut is a TrackCut.

In addition to these methods, the base class StHbtParticleCut also has one data member, mMass, and methods to get and set it. This is useful if one uses the particle mass at all (e.g. if one constructs correlation functions in relative momentum). Typically in STAR, the tracks have information about their rigidity vector and dEdx (and other PID-specifying information). However, it is up to the end-user to decide what species of particle the track represents. Therefore, in the ParticleCut, one might typically cut on dEdx vs. Rigidity, and assign the particle a mass based on this.

Example of a Track Cut - mikesTrackCut

A very simple example of a Track Cut is mikesTrackCut (click to see the header and implementation files).

An object of type mikesTrackCut attempts to select tracks that are of a desired type (pion, kaon, proton) based on PID information from the dEdx group. Similar to mikesEventCut, it has data members holding the allowed ranges of quantities which it cuts on, and methods to set those ranges.

Example of a V0 Cut - helensV0Cut

A nontrivial V0 cut written by Helen Caines and Tom Humanic is the helensV0Cut class. Click to see the header and implementation files.

Pair Cuts

Pair-wise cuts specify which pairs will contribute to the correlation function. The PairCut of an Anysis is checked for each pair before it is passed to the AddRealPair() and for pairs passed to AddMixedPair() methods of the Correlation Functions associated with that Analysis.

Again, the user has full control over the pair-wise cut employed. As with the other cuts, a general base class, StHbtPairCut is defined, and users should implement their own PairCut classes inheriting from this. It has the by-now familiar required methods:

Example of a Pair Cut - mikesPairCut

A way-too-simple example of a Pair cut is mikesPairCut (click to see the header and implementation files).

mikesPairCut makes NO cuts on the pair, and so Pass() simply returns "true" all the time. Appropriate two-track cuts (to eliminate track splitting/merging) would be applied at this point in a real PairCut.

The Analysis

An analysis is defined by cuts (EventCut, ParticleCuts, and PairCut), a specification of the number of events to mix, and by a collection of correlation functions associated with the analysis. (Again, it may be helpful to refer to the UML Diagram of the StHbtMaker.) It is implemented in the StHbtAnalysis class (click for the header and implementation files.

Users do not write their own analysis class. To define an analysis, a user writes (or uses existing) EventCut, ParticleCut (TrackCut and/or V0Cut), PairCut, and CorrFctn classes, instantiates objects of each class, customizes them (i.e. sets appropriate bounds-- see below), and then simply sets the member data pointers inside the StHbtAnalysis object to those cut and correlation function objects.

Note that the StAnalysis object points to a collection of StHbtCorrFctn objects. This allows the user to associate an arbitrary number of correlation functions with a given analysis.

Event Reader

An important aspect of the StHbt framework is flexibility in terms of input sources. It is the job of a StHbtEventReader object to get event data from a source (ASCII file, root Ntuple HBT DST, StEvent...) and to generate a "standard" HBT event, called StHbtEvent. This StHbtEvent is then the data format used within the code. Thus, the interface to the outside world is localized to the StHbtEventReader object.

To accommodate the many possible input sources and formats in a general way, inheritance is again used. For any input source/format, a class must be written, which inherits from the base clase StHbtEventReader. From the header file, it is seen that every class derived from StHbtEventReader must have the following methods (again, they are pure virtual in the base class):

Specific readers may have other methods (which set the ASCII file to be read, for example).

The other methods that the Manager invokes for StHbtEventReader objects are listed below. These are virtual methods, but not pure virtual methods in the base class StHbtEventReader. Therefore, the author of a Reader method is free to write his own methods, but is not required to. If the author does not write an implementation, the default methods of the base class are invoked by the Manager:

The method StHbtEventReader::Status() is not virtual, and is used internally in StHbt by the Manager. It just returns the value of StHbtEventReader::mReaderStatus. See the note above.

Example of a StHbtEventReader - StStandardHbtEventReader

The class StStandardHbtEventReader (click to see the header and implementation files) is the StHbtEventReader-derived class that reads the input from StEvent in the root4star/Maker framework. Aside from the required ReturnHbtEvent() method, it is seen to have a data member containing the pointer to the current Maker chain, and methods to set and get that pointer.

Note that this Reader also can apply an StHbtEventCut to events, an StHbtTrackCut to tracks, and an StHbtV0Cut to V0's before it returns the completed StHbtEvent. This is an efficient way to get rid of tracks, V0's, and whole events before they ever make it into the rest of the framework. It is especially useful in making microDSTs. See the web page on the persistent ASCII microDST for an example.

The Manager

(Once again, it may be helpful to refer to the UML Diagram of the StHbtMaker.)


The overall processing of data is handled by the Manager, an instantiation of class StHbtManager (click here for the header). Only one StHbtManager object is instantiated. Its only data members are pointers:

Interface to root4star

Importantly, for event-by-event processing, the interface to the root4star/Maker framework (StHbtMaker) interacts with the StHbt framework solely through the StHbtManager object, and all of the action takes place within the Manager. This should make it relatively painless to port the StHbt framework away from root4star. For example, what follows is the StHbtMaker::Make() method:

Int_t StHbtMaker::Make()


This makes for a trivial StHbtMaker, and one that is easy to replace in a non-root4star/Maker framework. Click here for the StHbtMaker.cxx implemenation file.

Event Processing

At each invokation the StHbtManager::ProcessEvent() method:


As discussed, a given pass through the data generally involves several simultaneous Analyses, each with their own Cuts and several simultaneous Correlation Functions. Since the Analyses, Cuts, and Correlation Functions to be run is determined only at runtime, and since the Cuts are general (no pre-determined set of quantities on which to cut), a rather generalized method is required to collect information about the various objects. Currently, this is achieved through the Report() methods.

Invoking the StHbtManager::Report() method returns a string containing all Reports. The first is the StHbtEventReader::Report() of the object pointed to by mEventReader. Then, the method loops over all Analyses in the AnalysisCollection, and concatentates the returned string from the StHbtAnalysis::Report() method on each. The StHbtAnalysis::Report() method simply concatentates the Report() from the associated EventCut, FirstParticleCut, SecondParticleCut, and PairCut objects to which it points, as well as the Report() of each Correlation Function in its CorrelationFunctionCollection. In this way, StHbtManager::Report() returns a snapshot of what is happenning.

As mentioned above, it is the responsibility of the author of the CorrFctn or Cut classes to implement Report() so as to give useful information.

Correlations Between Identical vs Nonidentical Particles

The StHbt framework has been set up to handle interferometry between nonidentical as well as identical particles. When creating picoEvents and forming all possible pairs in an event (done by the StHbtManager), it is important to know whether the Analysis is analyzing identical particles. (If nonidentical particles are being correlated, they must kept in seperate lists, and the looping structure is slightly different.)

The method bool StHbtAnalysis::AnalyzeIdenticalParticles() serves to provide this information to the Manager.

If you want to correlate identical particles, you should create the appropriate StHbtParticleCut object (say the pointer to it is StHbtParticleCut* trkcut), and then set both the First and Second ParicleCut pointers of the Analysis to X. That is, if "anal" is a pointer to the Analysis object:


To correlate non-identical particles, create two ParticleCut objects (say pointers are trkcut1 and trkcut2), and set the First and Second ParticleCuts of the Analysis to these:


micro and pico HbtDST formats


The input format of the data may vary (e.g. it may be the root4star StEvent object, or special ASCII files, or something else). As mentioned above, it is the job of the StHbtEventReader-derived class to convert whatever intput into a StHbtEvent object, which has an associated StHbtTrackCollection and an StHbtV0Collection, which of course are lists of pointers to StHbtTrack and StHbtV0 objects.

The StHbtEvent class essentially defines the transient HBT microDST. It is the StHbtEvent, StHbtTrack, and StHbtV0 objects that are presented to the Analysis EventCut() and ParticleCut() methods. Therefore, it is important that enough information be present in this microDST for all desired cuts to be possible. As with any microDST (or even DST), this will require a comprimise between fullness of data, and space.

Dave Hardtke and Mike Lisa have implemented a reasonable set of structures for this transient microDST. They are described on this page.

Click to see the current structure of the StHbtEvent class, the StHbtTrack class, and the StHbtV0 class.


Once an event has passed the EventCut of an Analysis, a picoEvent is instantiated. The picoEvent is a transient object that holds the miminum information needed for the PairCut() and construction of the Correlation Functions. It contains a collection of StHbtParticle objects. (Although somewhat arbitrary, a track coming from the event reconstruction is called here a "track." If it passes the track quality, PID, and phasespace cuts of a ParticleCut, then it becomes a "particle.") It is natural that the picoEvent be smaller than the microEvent, and that a StHbtParticle object be smaller than a StHbtTrack object. This is fortunate, as well, since several picoEvents will be stored in the EventMixingBuffer of each Analysis.

Like the microEvent class the structure and information content of the picoEvent and StHbtParticles needs to be discussed in detail.

Click to see the current structure of the StHbtPicoEvent class and the StHbtParticle class.

Persistent microDSTs

Since the Manager may have a Writer (see above), one may write persistent (disk-resident) HBT microDSTs. The same StHbtEventReader which writes a file (with the StHbtEventReader::WriteHbtEvent(StHbtEvent*) method) should be able to read it (with StHbtEventReader::ReturnHbtEvent()). Currently, there is only one Reader that writes/reads a persistent HBT microDST, the StHbtAsciiReader (click here for details), which writes ASCII files. While this format has its advantages (human-readable, platform-independent), there are clearly more efficient (faster, smaller) formats (e.g. root TNtuple files), and a few more Writers are envisioned.

Example of a run involving several simultaneous Analyses and Correlation Functions with root4star

When the StHbt framework is used to analyze data, exactly one StHbtManager object is instantiated. In the root4star/Maker scheme, the StHbtManager is instantiated in the constructor of the StHbtMaker. A pointer to the StHbtManager is a data member of the StHbtMaker class. As mentioned above, the StHbtManager is the only "point of contact" between the StHbt framework and the root4star/Maker framework.

One instantiates and customizes the Reader, and the Analyses (with their various EventCuts, ParticleCuts, PairCuts, and list of Correlation Functions) in the root macro. In this way, one may specify at run time:

Thus, one can vary all Cuts, Analyses, and Correlation Functions (type and number) without checking out the StHbt source from CVS and modifying code, and without recompiling, as long as all the general classes one would like to use are in the StHbt library. Naturally, to build an unwritten Correlation Function or use an unwritten Cut class, C++ code must be written and compiled.

As an example, please see the root macro StHbtExample.C. Here, two Analyses are simultaneously run.

The first Analysis builds two simultaneous Correlation Functions from negative pions. They are (1) a 1-dimensional Qinv correlation function with no Coulomb correction, and (2) a 1-dimensional |q-vector| correlation function with no Coulomb corection. As can be seen, the EventCut class chosen is mikesEventCut (see example above) and in this case cuts rather loosely on z-position of primary vertex and multiplicity. The First and Second ParticleCuts are the same object and select negative pions, so this is identical-particle HBT. The PairCut selected is mikesPairCut, which actually performs no cut, and simply returns "true" for every pair that comes its way. For both histograms, a numerator histogram is filled with the "real" pairs, and a denominator from the "mixed" pairs, and at the end (Finish()), the two are divided to give a a ratio histogram.

The second Analysis builds an invariant mass Correlation Function from K+K- pairs. This Correlation Function class was written by Frank Laue to search for phi-mesons. Here, the First and Second ParticleCuts are not the same, obviously. Similar to the identical-particle HBT of the first Analysis, a "real" 1-d histogram is built from the "real" pairs, and a "background" from the mixed pairs. Unlike the identical-particle HBT, the Finish() method subtracts the two histograms (after normalization) to give a background-subtracted signal.

Hopefully it is clear by this point that one may define (at run time) more Correlation Functions to be associated with these Analyses, and/or define more Analyses (with their own Cuts and Correlation Functions) to be performed simultaneously.

In the root4star macro, the set-up of the HBT analsis is done just after the instantiation of the StHbtMaker object (which in turn instantiates the StHbtManager object). Note that pointers to the Correlation Functions are declared globally at the top of the macro file. This is so that one may access the histograms contained by the CorrelationFunction objects at the root4star command line.

For example, typing "QinvCF->Numerator()->Draw()" at the root4star command line gives the following picture:

Typing "Minv->Difference()->Draw()" gives:

Hot Topics

Here are listed, without extensive elaboration, some associated topics that need further work.
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